
What is Holistic Magick

Holistic magick is a form of white and green magic that uses the power of nature to care for the body, mind, and spirit.

It involves working in harmony with the environment, and can include: 

  • Using herbs and stones

    Foraging for herbs and using them in spells, or blending them into potions and lotions 

    Harnessing the elements

    Using the sun or moonlight in cleansing rituals, or casting spells based on the earth's elements 

    Practicing self-care

    Cleansing your aura and chakras, smudging away negative energies, or practicing gratitude 

    Creating a peaceful home

    Using house and garden magick to create a harmonious home environment 

Some books about holistic magic include: 

  • The Encyclopedia of Natural Herbs

    An introduction to the philosophy of natural magic, along with information on herbs, stones, and other substances that can be used for magical purposes 


    Natural Magick

    A guide to natural magic that includes information on spellcraft, candle magick, and divination 


    You Are Magical

    A book that offers spells and techniques for creating positive change in yourself and the world 


    The Holistic Witch

    A guide to self-care witchcraft that includes information on cleansing, casting spells, and using herbs in rituals 


